This blog is intended to help people like me who have tried to make money on the internet and have had to learn a lot of things the hard way. I want to show you what works and what doesn't. Read through the different posts for a lot of free ways to make money and some which cost a little which will help you speed things up.
Leave comments aswell to let me know if they worked for you or if you have other methods share.

Monday, July 25, 2011

27,000 visitors

This is one of those not free ideas it costs almost 100 bucks but, it speeds things up when it comes to traffic.  One thing that allot of people don't know is that simple by having more traffic you google ranking will go up. Here is the website  it is not disguised or hidden it is right there. i am not big on some of the methods of the owner of the website but this one seems to work.

Get 100 free visitors to your site

There is a site that I have found that will get you 100 free visitors to your site, I have tried it and it works and if you refer other blogs you will receive more. If you are trying to make money from AdSense it is a good little boost. I have a link to it on the side to the right, totally free and easy. I love free.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Check this awesome product out  It is a quick method to get to the top of GOOGLE in a couple of days. I would just show you but I can't steal the idea. Try it if you want. I have already given you some of the ideas in other posts but, he has some neat tricks that really speed things up.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How do people really make money online

I have been researching how people really make money online for a long time, you already know how many people claim they have the miracle method. 1 million bucks in 2 hours and what ever else they are "selling".  Honestly a lot of things have changed over the years and even in the past months. The people who make a lot of the money ride those waves and then jump on the next one to try to stay ahead. Some of those guys end up bankrupt and pennyless, because they have to keep up or the gigs up. It's not consistent or long term. You can tell who they are because they want you on their list and always are trying to sell you something different to make you rich or whatever. Don't fall for it!!!! Any real online oppertunity needs you not your money. All the real money making methods are free and you can find them online if you just look and stick to a plan to make it happen.. It is true some things take a small investment but those things are not get rich quick programs or perimid sceams. Your most valuable tool is your own knowledge and desire to see it through, if you have that you will make money online. Honesty is huge aswell, it is not common online to see some one who will tell you the truth, when you find some one like that stick to them like glue. I don't mean honest just long enough to sell something but always has an honest track record. I have heard mant people say if your honest you will never make money online, but the truth is if your honest you may not make quick money online but you will make out great on the long run because when people follow you they do it for life. You can't buy that.
To give you a clear idea of what you need to make money online I have made a small list to give you some direction.
1. KNOWLEDGE: your knowledge of a niche or of the Internet. Research is key!
2. MARKETING SKILLS: can you sell what you know about? do you know how to sell it? Research is key! and free
3.HONESTY: ability to give some one something that will profit them and be worth the price paid so they will be long term customers.
4. DESIRE TO SUCCEED: If you give up you will never make money. Change your methods, research new methods and just try again. You will succeed!!!!! 99% of people fail and quite trying to make money on the Internet in the first couple weeks, the ones who keep going have an extremely high chance of making it. You made it this far, you will make it.

Please leave a comment or any suggestions or e-mail me at for more info. If I can help I would love to.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A bunch of great products to help you make money Some awesome stuff to help you make money online. You need to check this out, use them to get on google page 1 or just to get traffic.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Twitter marketing

Twitter and facebook marketing is a new big method of money making. The market is huge, but the problem has always been how do you advertise or monetize these networks. I have found A method that works for twitter and I have a link to it on the right side of the blog. It's called twitter marketing bot. It cost $7 but it does work and for that price, it's a good deal, try it and see. I love it when I find great ideas for cheap.
Facebook marketing is now getting easier aswell  I have heard that there is software out there to turn your fb page into a website. Which would make it easy to monetize, there also is now adsence on fb. That is another way to make a few bucks.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Domain names

This is a great tip that should really help any one setting up a web site.Every one who has a web site has to have a domain name. Which means you will have to buy one. The best advice on this is, use the topic or keyword that you are promoting on your sit as a domain name. Use a dot com of the same name of your product or topic. Google loves it when you do it and they will rank you higher for it.

Page rank google

I have been studying how to get a to top page rank on google. I have done it allot of times now and have learned some good secrets. I am going to let you in on some of them. One is the way you set up your blog. You need to know what google wants. The biggest key is to make your site in a way that it is built around the title and uses the title in some form in your posts. For blogs this is very important. Google is looking for keywords and there use in your blog. The name of your blog address will help to direct google to you as well.
Keyword are major thing to google, if you are using keywords in you blog that are competed over allot you will have a hard time ranking very high. Low competition keyword will give you a much better chance. You can check your keyword by going to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. If you can't find it just google it. It will help you know what you have a chance at ranking for.
 Another very important thing is search engine submission. This is where the tool I have mentioned before in my blog comes in. Free  Mass Traffic really works for this and does allot of other things to get you ranked high fast. I have links to it on this blog. The next thing to do is get backlinks. Other sites pointing to you. This is where I used Auto Click Profits. It can give you an edge, it is also linked on this site. I would say however that there are many other ways and methods that can get you backlinks. If you read my other posts you will find some free ways. Articles are another way of making backlinks. They take allot more work but can do wonders if written right.
I will be blogging more on this later, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The latest trick

I decided to take a few minutes to go over the latest trick that the guruse are using to get you to buy their products. I first have to say that these products aren't even theirs, they are from clickbank or some other e-book source or download source. Up till just lately I have seen the common practice of the squeeze page and then the I don't know how you found this page, sales pitch, but lately they have begun a new tactic. they are now giving away downloads for free. It works this way, they offer a free download and in order to get it you must enter your e-mail address to have it sent to you. You are then on thier list. Same old game just new methods. They give you some thing of little or no value for your name and e-mail, then they spam you to death. They know with out having a list they can't make the real money so the goal is always the list.
I make a practice to get on multiple lists and watch the e-mails roll in. It is like clock work, within minutes of each other I will recieve up to 20 massages all selling or promoting the same product. The sales pitches are almost all the same. You might ask why I would want all those junk e-mails, I do it for research, my goal as I have stated before in my blog is to find what works and let others know with out  them having to waste their time and money on products that are worthless. The ones that work I promote to you the ones that don't I will make quite clear to you that they are worthless.
 With all of that being said I would like to invite any one who wishes to comment on thier experiences with any of the programs I have blogged about or to ask questions about any of the ones out there that they are thinking of trying. I will do my best to try them out for you and give you my honest opinion. I only ask that you would support my efforts by buying that software or tool (if you choose to buy it) through a link on my site so I can keep the money moving to try new things to review.
 I also have a way to sign up for e-mail updates if you wish to get them, but to be painfully honest most people shy away from that because we all hate spam and why ask for it. I can promise you I will only send reviews and the links to good working products to any one who signs up. It may be more comfortable however to just bookmark my blog and check it to see new info. I am here to help others through this blog so I am not worried about building a list so do what is most comfortable for you and please comment on my blog to let me know if i am helping you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mass traffic tools Free

As I have been doing in this blog right along I have another useful tool for you to get and use to get your site to the top of google. This one is free, I get nothing out of this myself I just am giving it to you and I hope it helps you. It is Mass traffic tools, it is some basic tools that get you listed in search engines as well as automatically giving you some back links. I have used them along with the other tools i have mentioned in my blog posts and now if you type in the name of this blog (masstrafficfree) last I checked it was listed twice on the first page of google. I am not saying that is what happens every time with every key work set but, it did with mine. If you type paying too much for repair nightmares into the google search, you will find another blog I have been using the tools from this blog on, you also can use search terms repair nightmares, paying too much for repairs, and a few others which are in second place behind these. Enough of me bragging, here is the link to the free tools I mentioned, Check it out it is totally free you just have to give the guy who's giving it away your email, which you can get yourself of the list he has just by clicking on the bottom of one of his e-mail and unsubscribing. Hope it works, have at it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yahoo answers

Yahoo answers is a great tool for getting direct traffic to your site. If you answer questions you can gain points to gain credibility. You also can leave your link to your site. The trick is to answer the questions that you have the product for or can solve the problem for. Then by leaving your link and an answer you will gain traffic, back links and and the questions rank high on google. If done right it is a powerful tool that will get you ranked on google as well as keep direct traffic flowing.

Comment kahuna

Comment kahuna is a blog commenting tool for getting back links to your site. I have used is for a while and it does work. It is also free, but it does require allot of work writing the comments that you will have to write any way to get back links. It does not get instant results but it does get results if uses on a regular basis. It will along with other tools and methods get you moved up on google as well as give you direct traffic. Some marketers use it alone just to get directed traffic to sell high converting products. If you want to try it just google it and download.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Auto click profits

I have tried another traffic generating tool. Auto click profits is a article spinning program which markets your site on other sites. I have received traffic this way and it does work. I am sure if I set up many blogs this way I would bring in a great amount of traffic. I recommend it to the serious online marketer, if that's not you there may be better options you can use. It costs 39 dollars for the 60 day trial, then you can choose to keep it or not.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Check out link referral

One traffic source I have been using is Linkreferral. It does work to get traffic but how it works is other people who are trying to get traffic are looking at your site to gain traffic to thier sites. This is good if you have a high selling product or high converting product this traffic will become sales. If you don't however you will just get people looking to get in and get out. I have used it and had no real monetary results myself but, what I have gotten is reviews from these people and it has helped me allot. It is free to join and it does work so I do recomend them but understand they will not buy much. One feature that the site has however is a way to buy targeted traffic, this works well. It is not to expencive and they make sure you get it. I have tried it and it works.
Check out the other posts and have a great day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My blog

This blog is here to give you some thing I never had, honest true facts about things I have used that work and things that do not work. I have watched countless video clips, read endless e-mails and have about gone blind looking at the computer screen trying to just make some money.  I have heard ideas that say don't use google, ideas that say you have to have google and people who just do not care. One very important tip that all people who are looking to make money online need to know is not to be the one spending it. Often the people who are getting rich online are the ones who are selling to you. One of the biggest money making niches online is how to make money online. Don't be tricked, always take the time to check reviews and even visit forums before you make any choices on buying anything. Another thing that some one with a good product will always do is give you a free trial where you can refuse the product after trying it. If the product is good it sells its self. Like i said in my other post Free Mass traffic does work, I can prove it because if you found this page through google or any other web search, that program put it there. Be careful out there and as I try new soft ware i will blog about it to hopefully give you that one step ahead that I didn't have. There is a link to free mass traffic at the top and bottom of this blog you can check it out there.

We all want free traffic

I am offering a product that I use and really like. I have several blogs and all of them made it to the top of google using this tool. I wouldn't endorse it if I didn't use it myself. Not only that when you click the link for it which is at the bottom and top of this page you can see it advertized and try to exit from it and you will get an additional $10.00 off. Try it, this product is worth the money, if you don't like it you simply cancel it.