I have been researching how people really make money online for a long time, you already know how many people claim they have the miracle method. 1 million bucks in 2 hours and what ever else they are "selling". Honestly a lot of things have changed over the years and even in the past months. The people who make a lot of the money ride those waves and then jump on the next one to try to stay ahead. Some of those guys end up bankrupt and pennyless, because they have to keep up or the gigs up. It's not consistent or long term. You can tell who they are because they want you on their list and always are trying to sell you something different to make you rich or whatever. Don't fall for it!!!! Any real online oppertunity needs you not your money. All the real money making methods are free and you can find them online if you just look and stick to a plan to make it happen.. It is true some things take a small investment but those things are not get rich quick programs or perimid sceams. Your most valuable tool is your own knowledge and desire to see it through, if you have that you will make money online. Honesty is huge aswell, it is not common online to see some one who will tell you the truth, when you find some one like that stick to them like glue. I don't mean honest just long enough to sell something but always has an honest track record. I have heard mant people say if your honest you will never make money online, but the truth is if your honest you may not make quick money online but you will make out great on the long run because when people follow you they do it for life. You can't buy that.
To give you a clear idea of what you need to make money online I have made a small list to give you some direction.
1. KNOWLEDGE: your knowledge of a niche or of the Internet. Research is key!
2. MARKETING SKILLS: can you sell what you know about? do you know how to sell it? Research is key! and free
3.HONESTY: ability to give some one something that will profit them and be worth the price paid so they will be long term customers.
4. DESIRE TO SUCCEED: If you give up you will never make money. Change your methods, research new methods and just try again. You will succeed!!!!! 99% of people fail and quite trying to make money on the Internet in the first couple weeks, the ones who keep going have an extremely high chance of making it. You made it this far, you will make it.
Please leave a comment or any suggestions or e-mail me at faithchapelyouthdirector@gmail.com for more info. If I can help I would love to.
This blog is intended to help people like me who have tried to make money on the internet and have had to learn a lot of things the hard way. I want to show you what works and what doesn't. Read through the different posts for a lot of free ways to make money and some which cost a little which will help you speed things up.
Leave comments aswell to let me know if they worked for you or if you have other methods share.
Leave comments aswell to let me know if they worked for you or if you have other methods share.
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